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Everything You Needed to Known About Gravel Driveway Installation

Is a Gravel or Crushed Stone Driveway the Best Choice for Your Home?

Gravel and crushed stone driveways are found all over the United States! This is because they are affordable, simple to maintain, and are available in unique colors and designs using different types of gravel. However, regions that receive snow, are difficult to maintain due to frequent snow removal. So if you are planning a gravel driveway installation and live in a snowy region, plan on putting all the gravel that was removed with the snowplow back onto your driveway come spring!

Gravel driveways can be installed in a short time with very little impact on how you use your driveway. Installations must be accompanied by good drainage planning and an experienced grader operator to reduce how much maintenance is needed. Depending on how big your driveway is, the construction of a new driveway can be installed by an experienced grading contractor in a 1 – 3 day period. Crushed stone or gravel driveway installation is simple, as most of the work is done using grading equipment so it can be completed quickly with the minimal amount of impact on your daily routine. You can expect to drive on the driveway throughout the construction.

So if you own a gravel driveway and it has started to show signs of aging and deterioration, or has a tremendous amount of weeds, starting over may be needed! This must be performed by a reputable gravel company so they do it right the first time around. So if your existing gravel driveway is showing signs of unstable sub-grade, then the soil must be excavated and a new base in

Posted on by 360 Paving of Washington
Everything You Needed to Known About Gravel Driveway Installation

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